Saturday, December 18, 2010

How To Build A Walk In Bird Cage

voiceover II

shines One of my favorite blogs with a raffle . And what of the profit is so beautiful ... so if you drop by again in flux moses children until 20 to December are still a chance the lucky winner of this trinket.


Once I had even once won a Mei Tai , only now I'm not carrying a child. Everybody wants to run itself busy or sitting in a stroller - who? Nope ... thank you somehow sad. One is really sad sometimes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dlp Projector Blue Tint

voice off.


Can we still call Fall fatigue? Lately I've become really lazy blog, but it is safe again. As a small sign of life I want to point out the sale at bjudiful:

pillow fight complacent? Judith is looking for a new home for all the wonderful clouds cushion ... here along to browse. And who wants

(self-praise stinks, or how was it?) from the beautiful fabrics even sew something beautiful that should be here times look.

sipping hot chocolate I say goodbye for now again and vow to improve. See you then.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bollywood Acteress Boobs

How it on Sunday ... This is what it looked

The last designer market for this year was out here and a lot of photos of it (still not complete). Girls, if I forget to photograph you, then forgive me. It was just too much going on.

(except photographs presented Susa colorful candles, are not that great?)

note the candlestick (= plastic bottle caps!). It is called now recycling or Upcycling?

KIOSKI (online store)
(if known, the only Finnish record store outside of Finland, with a lot of nice bells and whistles More)
Fiona, her English humor is wonderful!

(colorful hats)

( Susan Bartel their luggage tags are already "famous", were photographed in various magazines).

( Tina Wendrich , a trained goldsmith, her shop in Nuremberg Gostenhof, Austraße 26, is a treasure trove if you are looking for special gifts)

beautiful Jewelry by Tina


(the artist, with hand-painted accessories)

(Sonja Weigl, with beautiful fashion jewelry )

(right from her the great scarf of Brigitte Paulzen)

(felt and more)

(Felicitas Berstel, with stunning Knick-knacks)

(Anja Schiffel - Styling, Restyling, design)

(Marion Hofmann, with great fashion for all ages)

lixo, MADO
(Caro Conrad, with imaginative graphics on postcards, key rings, pictures, and super cool Accessories for treats she has also had something there)

(the ceramicist trained prior to their studio in the Badstrasse)

likely LIGHT
(Robert Söllner, here with young in their arms, on his stand with photographs)

CLAUDIA Mählmann
(with hand-painted Eicelketten)

They were still in the process (sorry, forgot to take photos): Karin Siebert - Asian snapshots , Sabine Hörtensteiner - Bags'NStyle , Ulrike Berninger - Iki Fashion , Miriam Altenhöfer - Miriaktori

I thank all the exhibitors travelers, which provided her with wonderful products for a great market and atmosphere.

thousand thanks also to my girls behind the bar and the cake stand for a smooth Drain.

Many thanks to all cake bakers. has reduced

Wedding Dance Mount And Blade Warband

on Saturday ...

after the Daniel (Hoerl) its "living landscape". The "ruins", which was in mining, I would not show you was a very sad sight. I was already very used to the "landscape". Suddenly the hall in front of me is so empty and cold.

Now we go back 6 days. Before the dismantling began, we have discovered two BMX Kids on the waterfront and asked her if she's times like periment on the residential landscape their stunts. Sure, she found it "cool"!

Here diese Bilder entstanden sind. Echt cool die Jungs.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Funny 25th Birthday Invite

exhibitors designer market on 1 Advent Sunday

Anette Kropp - Keramik
Anja Schiffel - Lebenslust
Brigitte Paulzen - Accessoires
Dear Conrad - Trash Fashion
Claudia Mahlmann - Schmuck
Felicitas Berstel - Deco Fee
Handmates - Strickaccessoires
Karin Siebert - Asiatisches Momentaufnahmen
Kerstin Reichel - Stoffakzente
Martti Trillitzsch - Kiosk
Marion Hofmann - Modeaccessoires
Miriam Altenhof - Miriaktori
Rabea Richter - Mädchen und Marotten
Robert Söllner - Wahrscheinlicht
Sabine Hörtensteiner - Bags'n Style
Sonja Weigl - Joya Accessories
Stefanie Lang - bags, accessories
Susa Schneider - photography, candles
Susan Bartel - SuSaBa
Tina Wendrich - Goldkind
Ulrike Berninger - Iki Fashion
Ute Kronenberger - Painted Accessories

Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Get A Job At Golden Spoon

Christmas present for dog owners looking for?

Then I would have here a hint:

» si With Tap * by the year 2011 " a weekly calendar with all aspects of living dogs. Of game ideas, moon phase information about the dog, tasty Hundekeksrezepte up to training suggestions - an absolutely practical and do more interesting companion in the coming year. Angelika Lederer, all-round talent in the life of animals, especially dogs, has in addition to their activities around the themes of herbology, kinesiology and Reiki (all topics for humans and processed animal) brought out a calendar for dogs and their owners.

To order, he is directly Studio lighthouse and the best part: The purchase price 4,50 € will be donated to the animal table Germany e. V. (issuing authority Regensburg) from.

... and by the way: the small Tap * si comes from my pen. :)

Does Having Anemia Mean A C-section?

desire to build in the seventh Badstrasse

After Daniel Hoerl the whole hall has "built" with its living environment, and issued his self-built Thomas Grögler furniture and kayaks, is on Thursday the club with his desire to build 20x20 - series in the Badstrasse.
We are really bauwütig.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Louana Coconut Oil Hair

Designer exhibition market

Soon it is time again. The last designer market this year takes place on 1 Advent, ie on 11.28.2010 instead. This time I'm so full that the hall is no longer sufficient, so I had another 3 studios of my colleagues in the Badstrasse take it.

There are really great exhibitor again, so is the problem, "WHAT I am giving my love?" Resolve to this year easily. There are wonderful, unique, artistic, very special Christmas gifts.
will of course take my "café bath house," the entertainment.

The lady of our flyer has already, according to the occasion, Christmas decorations.

Cigarette Smoke Hurts My Eyes

Thomas Grögler

On Thursday, 11.11.2010, 20:00 clock opening of the exhibition of Thomas Grögler: Links - Free and applied work in wood. To see more of Thomas Grögler just click on the link below:

The exhibition lasts only until Sunday, 11/14/2010, so come in droves to the Badstrasse 8 in 90762 Fürth

Friday, October 29, 2010

What's The Upside For Brazilian Wax

gift. November wallpaper.

November? Really? The time is running away ... I just looked Nativity figures on the web. This may not be true. I can not believe that this year again, almost coming to an end.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mucus Taste When Pregnant

raffle at bjudiful.

Have you seen? The love of Judith bjudiful giving away a great package of materials with 4 ribbons: Wanderings of mymaki , FloraFOX of luzia pimpinella , owl and fox paulapü of Helga and dear friends of hamburger! Buttons, bracelets, rubber bands and various funny little things are also included! I'm all fired - but as entirely altruistic out because I was with the Judith combines a very special collaboration:

A couple of weeks I've ever drawn on their Shop , because I am simply smitten offer their ideas and fix pre-cut and pre-washed Sewing Kits. Makes me personally so the tracing of the cuts have always been tame and there is a bjudiful against very much. No fumbling with cuts, tracing, pre-washing, but a package of finished parts, thanks to the straightforward instructions are sewn together Ratz Fatz yourself! And as Judith wished my stash a few unique to their collection, I like to have helped and developed four themes, which are suitable in each of four combinations for fall / winter. Was realized that all of Katja von stoff'n . Curious should often times in Judith Shop , Stop by because there are not only designed by me Herbst-/Wintergkollektion with the materials and the clouds of pillows with the shape of me as such, but soon other small items from them. Stay tuned!