Sunday, June 27, 2010

How Create Licened Product In Java

Photos of Stephanie

The Stephanie of "living vegetable" asked me her photos from the last designer market.
Links: Friederike from the label "Kapar" at the stand of living vegetables.

collages on plates

Stephanie's and my sister (front my sweet niece Coco) on their stands.

You see, the designer's market is also familiar.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wards Ap Lab 8 Answers

photos of the designer market

So now is the 6th Designer market in Fürth already 'rum! After I was able to take any pictures because I was busy with bake sales and mixing of "Aperol Sprizz" and "Cold Swede," I have my exhibitors are kindly requested to send their photos. The love of Bags'Nstyle Sabine was the first to have their photos made available to me, here are the first impressions from yesterday:

far right, the state of my heart's sister, in the middle of the Felicitas "Deco Fee "Stand behind " golden child "

the fairy

as Petra Feigl (klick..)

"tulibri" (klick..)

stand Sabine "Bags'Nstyle" (klick..)

front of the state of Silla for Children (klick..)

(front to back) Elke Schillai, Heidi of ice cream cake, behind Sandra of "dogs and butterfly, pushed up against a wall " Klabunt "

Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Much Are Boxing Tickets


Doro is also a graphic artist, makes beautiful colorful accessories. Also it has a DaWanda shop: punktpuntkommastrich , they also visited there or on her wonderful blog .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Candy Making School In Singapore


My dear neighbor Elke is a graphic designer, in addition to wonderful recipe postcard it also bookmarks lanterns and so forth. Let's see what she has come up this time. They visited them in their shop Dawanda "mini-moose.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thick Cervical Mucas Negative Opk


The Felicitas called fairy is back to host the next designer market. Under the label "deco fee" she presents her colorful world.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pure Vision Or Softlens Toric

I prefer to ...

Hello dear ones,
after much back and forth and weeks of consideration, I've now finally decided to relocate with my blog.
After hours of trying, close to despair and then but a teachable moment ;-) and nice ssseeeeeehhhr using Connie and Jenni (thanks you two, without you would have not worked out) is now finally my new blog:

I hope you continue to keep me loyal and still so hard Read my blog.
over 30,000 clicks in just under 2 years are truly amazing!
I had not thought at the start in life!
the occasion of the new blogs will also soon be a blog-candy,
ie eyes open :-)

I hope, I'll read to my new blog :-)
Your comments (eg if something does not work) I would love

very best wishes

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hdmi Hd Capture Card On Macbook


Miriam of "Miriaktori" (click), is the "recycling-queen" among the exhibitors from the next designer market.
The basis for their homemade stuff is always something-hand, it makes it something new. An absolutely unique part is the result of their upcycling.

over look in their shop Dawanda .

Visual Signs Of Preganacy

yet ... New

in Shop

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Is There A Gucci Outlet In Las Vegas

scarves ...

in Shop :

Kates Playground Robe Stream

small gift and new action

Hello my friends, wondering

not, I am currently going to potter about in my blog ... It may look like the next few days messy (I hope it does not click then just clean if I do something absolutely beside haue * g *).

However, I now have a little something for you, open
sees the box like this:
the little Hello Kitty candy, we have found in Utah, where there are Hello Kitty shop :-)

If this box is not too sweet?

And so I offer you the following:

who in June of SU goods worth at least 50, - € order with me, receive in addition 5 Matchbox blanks for self-designing of me for FREE!
From 100, - € is 10 blanks, etc. etc. :-)
(in vanilla or white)
Important: this is a quote from me privately!

orders you can call me any time 06021/446004 or email to send to

And do not forget:
The new action from Stampin! ---> Hosts get more free merchandise!
book so quickly workshop and earn free merchandise :-)

I wish you a nice Sunday
happy stampin '

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Brent Corrigan Bottoming

New Action from Stampin 'Up!

Hello dear ones,
it is once again beginning of the month :-)
And we know there's news from Stampin' Up!

Our action in June and July 2010 is particularly interesting for the hosts .. because there are additional free goods :-)

From a turnover of 300, - to € - €, there is additional to those already earned 30, - € for another 30!
If you also want to profit from this promotion, register with me at and book a workshop.
I'm looking at you :-)

happy stampin '