gift. Wallpaper for the Chaos Queen. Thursday How? If you are always big piles of laundry, to be sewn or a huge pile of books the long wanted to read? Your kitchen sometimes looks like a battlefield and bake the cupcakes for all those nice all the other bloggers you dream it? Even on your desktop, there is the sheer chaos? I'll tell you what is our problem: We are real chaos Queens. No more excuses - get up to! First step: A new wallpaper for your computer so that each of you looking over your shoulder has been warned!
Of the Month backgrounds I take my leave - who here has often dropped in, I was exposed for a long time: first, the wallpaper was rarely done. :) In irregular intervals, there are now backgrounds without calendar. And the other at some point (yeah ...) gifts appear again without the calendar in the category ".
who again got something to read to my personal confusion, which is an old post
out of my heart. Nothing has changed, but the potted plant has actually survived to this day.
you a wonderful Monday!