follows today finally got my report of CAR2, after we first again yesterday all the things in the Scrapbook Workshop have acknowledged - or wanted to admit this but we could only after a somewhat larger rearrange- Action to do, but now sees the store from 10 times better! :-)
but, as Barbara say, is always in order:
as previously reported, we have on Thursday - after the great Donna Downey short workshop - even loaded the car with everything the Scrapbook Workshop hergab Sun
On Friday morning I have my all the bags packed, then what looked like a result like this:
Then I picked up Ute , short or Sandra invited to Frankfurt Airport and off we went toward Remagen.
we got there as we have obtained the first time our room. And the view from our hotel is:
are equal then we went in the direction of stores to help Mireia and Tina the granting of the shop. It was also the finest of the 5 shops! Properly decorated beautifully, he invited simply to shopping:
There, we met on Conny which has already been really busy. Their reports have to read her the way necessarily, just as no one writes Connie Columna, just wonderful! :-)
The Hammer was that Conny for each participant with a baked Muffin name provided:
and then went off the program ... and what can I say? It was sooo a great weekend! It was a great atmosphere, always somewhere you could hear laughter and chatter, the shops were raided and it was scrapped, there's no tomorrow!
Oh, and before I show you now what in the end everything was gewerkelt, briefly this: Tina, the youngest Teilnehmerchen had it :-), take note of what is at T-Shirt:
sweet, right?
So now but my results this weekend:
On the one hand yes CMC's changed. I do not have many of my 90 pieces brought back to my home and exchanged have found their place has
my workshop Journal
Here I have as our workshop tickets glued:
and of course my lots, with whom I once again NOTHING (meaning: I mean absolutely nothing) won have:
have also found the results of two workshops is their place
cards and stamping workshop with Daniel Rogan
some ATC's:
continued with a double layout with Heike:
and at the right we have installed a pop-up:
close up:
beautiful Great was the workshop with Barbara, where we have created a mini book with Canvas:
this little mini, we have at Shimell made for this we have cut stock (and all rule of thumb * g *) and decorated with many different materials:
The layout of workshop Dani Peuss three LO's created:
where I'm at the last LO "something" from "Dani Peuss-style 'departed: falls
(p41d "is the way" princess for one day ")
I'm curious to see who I meet next year :-)
girls, it was awesome :-)
until next time
happy scrappin '
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