Monday, May 31, 2010

Liveapplet London Ontario

note cards ... batik

Hello dear ones,
well, then this is the jet lag ... It is now just after five Clock (! Frühs!) and I am for two hours of the night ...
well known, can one be really creative ;-)
so I have something gewerkelt:

I had planned for some time to make note cards for my downlines. I find the very practical, you always have something to write down briefly and at a workshop that makes it produce more than if one simply takes a Rough Paper, in order to record something.
my downlines can So looking forward to soon post :-)

are Sorry for the quality of photos at five clock is the light's bad ;-) unfortunately according
The cards with the new colors and raspberry Suede made, and of course, white on the back too, so you have more room for notes.

happy stampin '

Digital Playground Stream Loombo

Utah ... Pictures of Las Vegas

so, dear ones,
we are back home :-)

And now I'm finally to adjust the images of Las Vegas ...
so take the time, leaning back and enjoy :-) as we ... It was just beautiful and really worth seeing ... And since I wanted to separate me from almost any photo, it's really a lot :-)

I wish you a nice week

Friday, May 28, 2010

Is Cervix Supposed To Be High Week Before Period

Utah ... this time in Kanab Utah

... sorry that I write so little, but somehow, our days are too short ....

Today, at least out the photos from our visit to Kanab.

Since we are in the manufacturing were not allowed to photograph, it is unfortunately not too many pictures ...

Pictures of Las Vegas coming soon ... I can not decide which set I want, there are so many great pictures ... and I do not know if they interest you? :-)

to be continued ...
Kerstin, Jürgen, Alex and Susie

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Wax A Brazzilian

... and again at Stampin 'Up!

After yesterday completely in 10 hours of driving and the first impressions were Las Vegas and across geblogt have not, therefore, today I bring a little something to ... It is therefore a long post ;-)

First a few words about Stampin 'Up! in Riverton and as an explanation to the pictures, which you can view HERE again:

When we arrived we were greeted very nice and friendly from Amy. It is at SU for the guides in the house and we had jurisdiction in the run at a very nice e-mail contact.

She showed us the first show-room, where Shelli has largely self-created hand. In the showroom, many techniques are used, in part to decorative purposes, for interior design or as gift ideas.
also available throughout the building display cases with cards, layouts, and packaging, all very harmoniously designed and issued.

Then Amy showed us where the "Creative" section is. Here we were unfortunately not in, and I have only one photo in an office inside "shot".
Then it went into the huge hall where the logistics are housed.
Everything here is controlled by sophisticated computer equipment. That was really impressive. This huge high shelves, full to the roof.
In one photograph we see the first station here, the cases referred the size of the order selected and collectively, the "built" (with a degree is no other word ...).
The stacking boxes that you see on the image range, for about 2 weeks ...
Then the board goes on the conveyor belt on the trip. This band goes through the entire hall and the box is filled in stages with the articles.
The tape goes past the shelves, then lights up on the shelves in the related article, which must in the box, a light to know so that the employees have to pack what they do.
course is then checked against the delivery note.
Finally, the carton is sealed and goes directly over a ramp in a container for onward travel.
As I said, all modern and highly automated.

Shelli unfortunately was not there, they came on the same day only back from Canada.
But we, the President Dale Fillmore welcomed in person and we could even take a picture with him.

The next day we made our way to Kanab. Here is the production of SU.
As Amy told us that we should meet here with Josh Adams. However
came we with 1.5 hours late in Riverton on the ride was longer than expected (5 hours from Salt Lake City, you may even up to 120 km / h ...).
Josh Since then, however, the dentist was brought us Richard Thornton, the Production Manager, through the production.
follow photos from this yet, I have just downloaded 1150 photos from my camera, I need to edit the first ;-)
Again, the whole system was designed super, very impressive and well maintained.
Here too - as in Riverton - the staff a lot of space, full kitchens with microwaves, refrigerators and even PC's (for Private purposes during the breaks) are available.
Then it went into production, but where we were allowed to take any pictures unfortunately.
Unlike Riverton is still almost all made by hand.
We have seen how the "negative" panels of the stamp, how can these plates are pressed into the rubber sheets.
is followed by the visual inspection, if there are some stamp committee, they are then labeled by hand.
now be punched with the contours (so we can "squeeze out" the stamps only from the plate) must be stamped and the committee immediately rejected.
Then go the plates to the next station, then here are the stamp with wood blocks and the stickers put into the boxes and sorted into boxes.
This then come on pallets and ready for shipment to Riverton.

It was really interesting and impressive, all this to have views.
Again many thanks to Axel Kramer, our Managing Director Germany, has made this possible :-)

So now I'll edit out the photos, that I may have something of the journey through the Canyon and Las Vegas show to ... People, something as here I have not seen!
the way we have in the Hard Rock Hotel checked in, where of course, is also a casino ;-)

to be continued ...
Kerstin, Jürgen, Alex and Susie

Monday, May 24, 2010

Images Of A Brazilian Wax Job

Utah ... and Stampin 'Up!

The day started not have been great ... it snowed! At just 2 degrees and sleet, we were on our way.

The first stop was Walmart again today. there are pictures of them soon at Alex. However, we soon made us laugh in the pants, because Alex has been uncertain on a set of wheels, the gears :-)))

Otherwise the day was not technically very efficient shopping ... today we have processed our list of shops but the shops were either closed or had already moved or are we simply not discovered anything new ...

But the visit to Stampin 'Up! Riverton was of course our highlight today!

Since we have a plethora of photos, here is a slide show:
(just click link, and then left up the Slide Show select)

The impressions were amazing, everything is huge and very organized.
Unfortunately Shelli not there, they will not be back from Canada today.
Amy Greene has led us through the building.
Everyone was very nice and we were even able to communicate quite well :-)

Now we are excited about what tomorrow has to offer in the production Kanab yet.

to be continued ...
Kerstin, Jürgen, Alex and Susie

Sunday, May 23, 2010

How To Connect Monitor Speakers To A Mixer

Utah ... on we go

... with day 2 ...

today, we have miles, ah no, miles scrubbed ;-)

There were unfortunately all scrapbook stores to we now explore first time early in Salt Lake City.
We are with the car drove across the city have looked quite delightful residential areas - and we chose our new home ever :-))))
the two Homes are for sale and we were once curious ... very nice from the inside.

The next stop was then the capitol of Utah:
a very impressive Building, and inside, with marble and statues

the dome of the Capitol from the inside

on the porch Jürgen then has only once played Rocky ;-)

and Alex wanted to be a child again, trying to slide down the banister ... But what if during a "non-slip" Jeans designed :-)))

We then made our way to the Gateway Mall, where the shops are open on Sunday. distribute
However only 12 clock, so it was time with a Vanilla Latte ..
course at:

this chewing gum machines, we have found in the mall ... na su'l her, you know the? :-)

today must of course some "Depp" missing images do not:
where is here the output?

Miss Mary Poppins personally :-)

what makes pastime makes everything ... * G * who owns what shoe?

with tired legs went there for dinner then to the Mexicans:
looks so "healthy" food from :-))))
and of course the alcohol may not do missing:
Strawberry Daiquiri ... hhmmm yummy

and again today: the "Jürgen-search-image":

people, we have Today again so much laughter, just wonderful!

Sun, and tomorrow it's off to finally Stampin 'Up!

to be continued ...

Kerstin, Jürgen, Alex and Susie :-)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sudden Gush Of Blood During Menstruation

Utah ... our first day

... has, as you know already, with a rich (and yes, rich in calories * g *) was begun.

Our first course was a Walmart:
were on our Mitbringliste including Lunchbags. Now back to mini-books are made :-) cater for supplies!

are then we went to Park City to the Tanger Outlet.

On the way, the area was suddenly always white:

Yes, right, that is SNOW! IN MAY! ... And it was really cold, it blew a really cold wind .. but that does here - we are - yes no think up.
We walked around in coats and scarves and the other here in shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops! Honest! And it really has even snowed in the afternoon! Bbbrrr ...

At 4:30 pm we went back towards Salt Lake City and are now driven by a few dollars or euros poorer, as can be easily read from the wealth in our Boot:
was after this power shopping at first a strengthening announced ... we have the "Sizzler" eat well ... Steaks American right ...

And we had a very nice service: Troy :-)
strengthened so it was finally for the first Scrapbook Loading: Heartland Paper

a really nice store with great flair ... and we were greeted warmly and served!
Wendy gave us even more in Alex diary Address is entered, where there are fabulous scrapbook stores:
after an hour and then a few dollars less a farewell group photo:
And these "niceties" were still in the shop :

The final day is another "search-the-Jürgen-photo":

the rest the day you can read in Alex .

So, here it is now 10.30 pm (in Germany, half past five in the morning) and we go to sleep now :-)

tomorrow freshness in old
Kerstin, Jürgen , Alex and Susie :-)))

ps ... who gets bleats brought nothing:-P