Monday, May 31, 2010

Liveapplet London Ontario

note cards ... batik

Hello dear ones,
well, then this is the jet lag ... It is now just after five Clock (! Frühs!) and I am for two hours of the night ...
well known, can one be really creative ;-)
so I have something gewerkelt:

I had planned for some time to make note cards for my downlines. I find the very practical, you always have something to write down briefly and at a workshop that makes it produce more than if one simply takes a Rough Paper, in order to record something.
my downlines can So looking forward to soon post :-)

are Sorry for the quality of photos at five clock is the light's bad ;-) unfortunately according
The cards with the new colors and raspberry Suede made, and of course, white on the back too, so you have more room for notes.

happy stampin '


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