Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cd16 Cervical Mucus White And Creamy

the countdown ...

* happy * It will soon come ... Friday's goes off to Utah ! :-)

on Monday then we went for Stampin 'Up! and drive the same on Tuesday continued to Kanab. There is the production of SU.
We are really excited and have had a very nice touch (I just hope that I understand it without a Google translator * grin *).

And I also forget nothing and you can tell always beautiful, there's - as well as for the CHA - a travel diary.
course with large "bags" for the vouchers and receipts ;-)
So, books for the flight, I've also bought some today ... now Nintendo and charge your iPod, 13 hours will eventually somehow be rumgebracht ;-)

I wish you all a wonderful weekend
happy scrappin '


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